Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fat young fashion why not?

I discovered this blog the other day and I love it!!! About she: I started GabiFresh (originally named Young, Fat and Fabulous) in September 2008 after graduating college with an interest in fashion journalism. Since I didn’t have experience and couldn’t land an entry level job or internship, I decided blogging would be a great platform to show my writing skills and love for fashion. I knew first-hand the lack of resources for younger, trendier women sizes 14 and up, so I decided to fill the void. Over time, it has transformed into a personal style blog, where I share my fashion advice (which mostly consists of “ignore fashion rules!!!”) and outfits that I hope inspire others to take risks and have fun with clothing regardless of their size. I pretty much disagree with most mainstream fashion ideas and reject the notion of "dressing for your body type."

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